
Number of grassroots youth serving organizations in Providence: 10

Number of Providence Public High Schools: 11

Number of high school students attending one of those 10 community based after school programs: 750

Number of workshops YIA youth facilitated in 2017-2018: 24

Number of Providence Public High School students enrolled in one of the Providence Public Schools: 7,500

Number of youth that have passed through YIA programming since 1997: 4,000

Percentage of chronic absenteeism in High School: 45%

Retention rates for YIA programming over the course of 4 years: 92%

Average percentage of students that qualify for free or reduced lunch in Providence Public High Schools: 87%

Average percentage of students that qualify for free or reduced lunch that attend YIA: 93%

Percent of students that graduate from a Providence Public High School in 4 years: 75%

Percent of students that graduate from a Providence Public High School in 4 years that attend YIA: 100%

Percentage of students that attend YIA and are first generation U.S. born or come from an immigrant family: 90%

YIA families that have experienced incarceration or deportation: 40%

Sound decibels of a normal conversation: 60

Sound decibels of a normal day of programming at YIA, complete with laughter and music: 150

Duration of music currently on the YIA amp up Spotify playlist: 9 hours and 4 minutes

Number of hugs staff give youth on an average program day: 32

Youth In Action’s cost per youth, per year: $1,200

“Youth in Action unlocks the true meaning of education – empowering youth not just to understand their rights, but also equipping them to act upon their intrinsic talent as leaders in their own lives, and champions for their communities.”

– Chiara Deltito