How I Feel About This School Year

by Roseline, Junior at Juanita Sanchez

 Starting a new school year throughout 2020 seems very stressful not only for the students, but also for our teachers. This upcoming year we will start it virtually until October 13th, and from there we will attend school 2 days a week depending on which group gets assigned to us. It could be between Group A or Group B. I believe this plan will make it more complicated and stressful not only because of the plan itself but also because i’m a Junior in High School. Junior Year is one of the most important years in High School, because throughout this year we need to start thinking about college and also practice and take the actual SATs. Getting a good score on my SATs has been very important to me and I believe that virtual learning wont help me as much since it’s hard for me to keep up as fast as I used to and also learn necessary things right away while being at home. As much as I disliked the idea of virtual learning and having to stay home for school I believe it’s the best idea for this specific year. I believe this because having everyone in a building could increase the amount of cases and that could lead to us not being able to attend school for another year. 

I would’ve never thought we would ever be in this situation and that I would miss attending school as much as I do now. One of the things I miss the most would definitely be being around friends. They were the ones who mostly supported me throughout the year and the ones who would be there for me no matter what and to me having friends that had my back while attending school definitely helped me have a better experience in school. In conclusion, I believe this year will be one of the most challenging but I won’t give up or let anyone down when it comes to me giving my 100% even when it gets stressful at times. I will also try to do my best and my main goal for this year is definitely  to get High Honors and also to get a good score on my SATs.